OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2007. Based on the results of the competitive negotiations organized by OJSC “OGK-5” in connection with building a new 410 MW steam-gas plant (SGP) at Nevinnomysskaya HPP (JSC “OGK-5”) Group E4 has been nominated the winner in consortium with OJSC “Power Machines.”

In accordance with the terms of the project Group E4 will perform the engineering, procurement and construction management based on the Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM) model.

Power Machines will supply the following main equipment for the new SGP: steam-gas plant SGT5-4000F, which includes the 270 MW gas turbine with turbogenerator and supplementary equipment manufactured by Siemens AG (Germany); one 130 MW steam turbine with turbogenerator manufactured by Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (Switzerland) and a waste heat boiler. In addition, Power Machines will perform the supervision of the installation and commissioning of the main power generating equipment.

The work under the project is to be completed within 1095 days.