OREANDA-NEWS. June 19, 2007.  Company’s consolidated financial results for 2006 have been published on the SIBUR official web-site (www.sibur-holding.com). According to the report SIBUR Holding JSC revenue increased by 14 per cent up to 121.9  bn RUR from 106.6 bn rubles. Net income increased by 10.4 bn RUR and reached 21.4 bn RUR.

Company’s operating income increased 48 per cent in 2006 (28.2 bn rubles in 2006 against 19.1 bn rubles in 2005). SIBUR Holding JSC debt decreased from 26.1 bn RUR down to 21.1 bn RUR.

“Management efforts on process and finance optimization made it possible to make the best use of favorable market performance in the last year and to reach good financial results. Favorable conditions for further growth of the business have been created”, SIBUR President Dmitry Konov said.