An Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Probusinessbank Was Held
OREANDA-NEWS. June 18, 2007. During the meeting a decision was taken not to pay dividends by the results of the year 2006. It was decided to distribute the net profit of 29.995 million rbl. as follows:
reserve fund - 4.677 million rbl.;
fund of social development – 20 million rbl.;
fund of material encouragement – 255 thousand rbl.;
fund of board of directors - 5 million rbl.
Besides, shareholders approved an annual report, an annual accounting balance, a report on profits and losses, a financial bank report for 2006.
The following people were elected into the bank's board of directors: Grцnstedt Lars Olof, Marina Chekurova, Aelita Arampova, Sergey Leontiev, Alexander Zhelezniak, Edward Panteleev, Eldar Bikmaev, Andrey Litvinov, David Jones.
The new edition of the charter and the internal bank documents were approved, deals with interest were approved. Auditing company "Express Balance" was chosen as the auditor.