Dalsvyaz Announces the Results of Its AGM
OREANDA-NEWS. June 14, 2007. Dalsvyaz (RTS: ESPK, MICEX: DLSV, US OTC: FEEOY, Frankfurt and Berlin exchanges: D71) held its annual general shareholders meeting.
The meeting was attended by shareholders and their proxies holding a total of 74,821,584 votes, which account for 78.4% of the total number of voting (common) shares. The Company’s shareholders adopted the following decisions:
To approve the annual financial statement, the annual accounting report, including the profit and loss statement of the Company. To allocate profit derived in the 2006 fiscal years as follows:
- to increase the Company equity capital to Rub 609,463,500, to pay out dividends of Rub 151,270,500, including:
• Rub 0.80 per 1 common share; term of payment from July 3, 2007 to October 4, 2007;
• Rub 2.40 per 1 preferred share; term of payment from July 3, 2007 to August 5, 2007.
To approve the following composition of the Board of Directors (11 members) of the Company:
• Evgeny Alexandrovich Chechenitsky – deputy General Director of Svyazinvest;
• Vladimir Borosovich Zhelonkin – deputy General Director of Svyazinvest;
• Natalya Vladimirovna Krotkova – chief specialist of the Department of Corporate Governance and Legal Support of Svyazinvest;
• Nataliya Vadimovna Feoktistova – head of the Department of Corporate Governance and Legal Support of Svyazinvest;
• Lyudmila Valentinovna Yurasova – deputy head of the Federal Telecommunications Agency;
• Mikahil Alexeyevich Alexeyev – Svyazinvest nominee;
• Vyacheslav Fedorovich Gurkin – president, Investment Co. Imbera;
• Alexander Viktorovich Shevchuk – expert, Association for the Protection of Investor Rights;
• Igor Georgievich Polovnev – economist, Association for the Protection of Investor Rights;
• Mikhail Yurevich Kobishanov – advisor for macroeconomic issues, Corporation FNDS;
• Vladimir Anatolyevich Statyin – General Director of non-commercial partnership Association for the Protection of Shareholder Rights at Companies and Organizations.
To approve the Audit Committee with the following composition:
• Olga Grigoryevna Koroleva – chief accountant, Svyazinest;
• Svetlana Nikolaevna Bochkarova – head of the department of accounting, tax and statistical accounting, Svyazinvest;
• Valentina Fedorovna Veremyanina – deputy director of the Department of Corporate Governance and Legal Support of Svyazinvest;
• Dmitry Alexandrovich Shorokhov – deputy head of the Department of Economics and Finance, Svyazinvest
• Elena Olegovna Konkova – chief expert of the Department of Internal Audit, Svyazinvest.
• To approve the Company’s auditor as KPMG.
To determine the deduction norm when calculating the annual remuneration of the new composition of members of the Board of Directors as follows:
• 0.39% of the Company’s EBITDA for the entire Board of Directors;
• 0.78% of the Company’s net profit allocated for dividend payouts for the entire Board of Directors;
The AGM also reviewed issues related to amending and supplementing the Charter, the Statute on the Board of Directors, the Statute on the Procedure for Conducting the Annual General Shareholders Meeting, and on terminating participation in the Association Sibdalsvyaz.