The Bowling Team of OJSC North-West Telecom Has Taken the First Place
OREANDA-NEWS. June 14, 2007. The Finals of the Companies Cup in bowling was held in Bowling City Sennaya, St. Petersburg, where 14 teams defended the honour of their companies on the tracks, including such companies as TransTeleCom, Wrigley, Megafon and others.
By the results of the competition, the Team of OJSC North-West Telecom was recognized the Champion of the Season in the second division.
The following persons were the members of the "Golden Team":
Captain Pavel Basov, Sales Organization Department Manager (General Directorate);
Andrey Karpov, acting director of the Business and Marketing Strategic Development Department, head of the Business Planning and Development Department (General Directorate);
Maxim Rossel, leading specialist of the Internal Control Department (General Directorate);
Alexey Adamov, leading economi st of the Credit Policy Department (General Directorate);
Larisa Berezina, leading specialist of the Service Procedures Department (General Directorate);
Vladimir Sokolov, head of the Department for Work with the Executive Bodies of the Company (General Directorate);
Anton Lozovsky, head of the Internal Control Service of the Petersburg Branch of OJSC N.W. Telecom;
Vladimir Tishkov, engineer of the Interoffice Telecommunications Central of the Petersburg Branch of OJSC N.W. Telecom.
Besides, team captain Pavel Basov has had the best men's result in the Spring Companies Cup, having won a score of 230.