Net Profit of the OJSC TGC-4 Made 862,9 million rubles in I Quarter 2007
OREANDA-NEWS. June 8, 2007. Net profit of the Open JSC TGC-4 made 862,9 million rubles in I quarter 2007, which by 3,3% exceeds the planned figure.
Reduction of the receipts of the Company because of non-fulfillment of the planned performances on power energy output and thermal energy output (1,5% and 7,5%) because of warm winter was balanced by effective activity on the wholesale electricity and capacity market. Economic effect on competitive sector of the wholesale market for accounting period made 121,7 million rubles. Realization of the activities on reduction of the expenses including specific fuel consumption for output of power and thermal energy and optimization of the fuel balance promoted getting the net profit. As a result - fuel economy made 34 thsd.tut.
Key market performances of the Company for I quarter 2007, approved by Board of directors were fulfilled. Financial performance of the Company is satisfactory: the actual factor of autonomy - 0,71; profitability of the sale - 14,8% under the plan 13,9%; profitability of the assets - 4,8% under the plan 4,4%.