Aeroflot Became A Non-Smoking Company Five Years Ago
OREANDA-NEWS. May 31, 2007. Five years ago “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines” was the first Russian air carrier that banned smoking on all flights and acquired a status of “non-smoking” company, reported the press-centre of Aeroflot.
On the threshold of No Smoking Day the airline company summed up results of first five years of healthy environment aboard Aeroflot aircrafts. Particularly, after the smoking ban the passenger flow increased by 15% on average. The number of business class passengers, especially foreign, grew dramatically. Particularly, the number of passengers carried to/from the US cities (the most sensitive to smoking), increased by 25% on average.
Cabins of aircrafts became much cleaner due to introduction of this measure, moreover emergency passages in the rear part of aircrafts became unoccupied (earlier used by passengers as extemporary smoking areas), that is very important for safety.
Passengers are informed about smoking ban during reservation of tickets, check-in and aboard. Each ticket is market with a respective stamp.
Aeroflot offers substitutes allowing bearing non-smoking easier for active smokers who have to refrain from their habit.
According to Azat Zaripov, interim Director of Air Safety, Aeroflot greets the draft law on smoking restriction in public areas including aircrafts considered by the State Duma. The fine of 100 thousand rubles for violation of requirements of this law will have a positive impact on decrease of number of violations aboard. Attempts of unsanctioned smoking by passengers constitute most part of violations of carriage rules, thinks Zaripov.
Image of a modern airline company in line with international standards stipulates ensuring of right of passengers and crew members for comfort flight conditions including fresh air. Aeroflot supports healthy way of life and state policy in this respect through the program of smoking ban, support of sport activities and development of mass physical culture movement.
According to Valeriy Okulov, General Director of JSC “Aeroflot”, “full smoking ban on all flights of our company is an important step in realization of concept of modern service of high level and social responsibility of business to society”.