Gazprom Wins Auctions to Develop Three Blocks in YANAO
OREANDA-NEWS. Gazprom has been declared the winner of the auctions to develop the Seyakhinsky, Nilivoysky and Taz-Zapolyarny blocks located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
The Seyakhinsky and Nilivoysky blocks are located at the Yamal Peninsula, 150 km east from the Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field developed by Nadymgazprom.
The Taz-Zapolyarny block is situated between the Taz and Zapolyarny blocks where the homonymous hydrocarbon fields were discovered through prospecting activities by Yamburggazdobycha.
The Seyakhinsky block potential recoverable C3 hydrocarbon reserves are estimated at 442.3 mln t of fuel equivalent including 411 bcm of gas; the Nilivoysky block - 343.1 mln t, including 295 bcm; the Taz-Zapolyarny block – 207.7 mln t, including 144 bcm, accordingly.