Michail Fradkov: Developing Competition Is Primary Objective of the Russian Government
OREANDA-NEWS. "For several years the Russian economy has demonstrated sustainable economic growth",- said Michail Fradkov, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation at the opening ceremony of the 6th annual conference of the International Competition Network. - It is a result of competition development", reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
"It will not be possible to achieve economic objectives facing by the Russian state - first of all, making the structure of the economy more innovative, - if we are not able to ensure a due level of economic freedom and competition" added Michail Fradkov.
Speaking about the new legislative basis of the competition policy, Michail Fradkov paid special attention to the fact that the new antimonopoly legislation, which forbids unjustified state aid and introduces antimonopoly requirements for the auctions and bans competition-restrictive actions, also establishes tough control over the activities of officials - that has often been a competition-preventing factor in Russia.
Ending his address, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation expressed his gratitude top the international competition community for efficient co-operation that to a great extend has made these and many others positive changes possible.
"Today, more than ever, it is important to have an-ongoing dialogue and co-operation between competitive authorities so we do not stop with what we have achieved", noted Mr Fradkov. Exchanging information and experience of antimonopoly regulation within the framework of ICN conferences will continue to be a powerful incentive for developing national competition policies".