Demand for the first Atomstroyexport Bonds Was Three Times Bigger Than Supply
OREANDA-NEWS. May 31, 2007. Atomstroyexport placed the first issue of ASE-Finance bonds on MICE. The nominal value of the issue was 1,500,000,000 RUR
The first bond loan of ASE, a company operating on the market of high nuclear technologies and building NPPs abroad, has caused big interest among investors.
The bonds were placed through an auction. Over 30 Russian investment companies and banks took part in placement, among them VTB, NOMOS, TRUST, MBRD, Khanty-Mansiyks Bank, Industrial Construction Bank, Troika-Dialogue, Capital, RTK Broker.
During the auction the investors made 81 bids worth a total of 4,486,000,000 RUR – in fact, the demand was three times bigger than the supply. As a result, the placement rate was very low – 7.75% p.a. (38.64 RUR per bond). The investors offered 7.05%-8.5% for the first coupon. The bonds can be redeemed within 2 years at 100% of their nominal value. The annual effective yield of the bonds is 7.9%. The whole issue was placed during the auction. The organizer of the issue is Russian Funds, the co-organizer – Bank VTB.
The full placement of a loan with such a low rate shows that investors trust Russian nuclear power companies and ASE, in particular, and realize that the nuclear power sector has excellent prospects.
Atomstroyexport is the first nuclear power company in Russia to have used public financial instruments for promoting its activities. The company is consistently improving the efficiency of its management system.