Sviaz-Bank Representatives Participate in the “Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG Training Days” Conference
OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2007. In May 2007, Sviaz-Bank representatives, Head of the Department of Financial Instruments for the Far Abroad Nadezhda Lesovaya and Chief Specialist of the Trade Financing Department Alexander Panarin, participated in a conference hosted by Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG, reported the press-centre of Sviaz-Bank.
Banks from China, Taiwan, Moldova, Macedonia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Russia participated in the event.
The most urgent issues of today’s banking sphere were discussed during a seminar held at the conference. Particular attention was focused on the development of documentary transactions in recent years, problems of country and bank risk assessments, ways to fight revenue laundering and financing terrorism, and the fine details of investing in bonds in regions with different risk levels.
The conference made it possible to extend the list of Sviaz-Bank’s foreign partner banks to include Belpromstroybank Open Joint-Stock Company (Minsk), Komercijalna Banka AD (Skopje), Eurasian Bank Joint-Stock Company (Almaty), Bank Rossiya (St. Petersburg), and Trade & Development Bank of Mongolia (Ulan Bator).