OREANDA-NEWS. The Organizational Committee of the 2nd Innovative Forum of Rosatom has started the scientific-technical and economic examination of innovative projects. Over 140 projects have been submitted to the forum so far, reported the press-centre of  Atom Innovation Center.

The projects cover aviation industry, water treatment, electronics, small nuclear power engineering, mining, processing, oil and gas, safety, railways, ecology, utilities. They are being examined by independent experts from TNK-BP, Rusneft, Neftegazexport, Gazkomplektimpex, Slavneft, Sukhoi EDB, United Aircraft Building Corporation, MiG, Lutch DB, Ruselectronics, Sistema, Polus Zoloto, Norilsk Nickel, Russian Railways, NB-Capital.

The best projects will examined by Atom Innovation Center and the Investment Committee of the newly established sectoral Venture Fund for their possible commercialization.

The Organizational Committee continues receiving articles on scientific and innovative subjects for their possible publication.

Those wishing to submit their projects and articles should send their applications to forum2007@ainf.ru or fax them to (495) 228 30 25 (with “Forum” note) by June 5 2007 at latest. For more information see www.runtech.ru.

The inter-sectoral seminar for the discussion of the projects has been put off from May 24 till June 6.