New Board of Directors of TGC-4 Elected
OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2007. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Open JSC TGC-4 hold on May 15, 2007. Annual Report of the Company, annual account reporting, including profit and losses report of the Company for 2006 has been approved at the meeting.
It was decided to approve the distribution of the profit of the Company for 2006 in amount of 480 456 thsd rubles. 252 000 thsd rubles will be directed on dividends: 0,000180455 rubles on one ordinary share and 0,000180455 rubles on one preference share.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has elected the following new members of the Board of Directors of TGC-4:
• Orudzhev Eldar Valerievich, Deputy Managing Director of RAO UESR Business Unit No.1;
• Galka Vadim Vadimovich, Head of the Personnel Management Department of the RAO UESR Corporate Center;
• Evharitskiy Aleksandr Valerievich, chief expert of the Directorate for organization of the operation activity and fuel providing of RAO UESR Business Unit No.1;
• Kochetkov Gennady Aleksandrovich, Director General of TGC-4;
• Solovyev Roman Igorevich,Deputy Head of the Directorate for economics of Subsidiaries and Dependent Companies of RAO UESR Business Unit No. 1;
• Fil Sergey Sergeevich,Head of the Directorate for Corporate Events of RAO UESR Business Unit No. 1;
• Shiryayeva Larisa Vladimirovna, Head of the Market Department of the RAO UESR Reform Management Center ;
• Branis Aleksandr Markovich, Director of the Representative Office of Prosperity Capital Management Ltd.;
• Filkin Roman Alekseevich, Director of the Representative Office of Prosperity Capital Management Ltd.;
• Starchenko Aleksandr Grogorievich, Deputy Director General for the Energy Complex of Rumelko;
• Klaptsov Aleksey Vitalievich, vice-president of “Halcyon Advisors”.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has also elected the following new members of the Internal Audit Commission:
Dolgopol Olga Semenovna, Head of the Internal Audit Department of the RAO UESR Corporate Center;
Zenukov Igor Alikovich, Deputy Head of the Department for corporate governance and coordination with shareholders of the RAO UESR Corporate Center;
Krasnoglazova Nadejda Sergeevna, chief specialist of the Department for internal audit of the RAO UESR Corporate Center;
Levina Olga Vladimirovna, specialist of the Management for internal control and audit of Open JSC TGC-4;
Sidirov Sergei Borisovich, Head of the Department for Internal Audit of the RAO UESR Corporate Center.
Close JSC PriceWaterHouseCoupersAudit was approved as an Auditor of the Company. Also it was decided to make an amendments in the Charter of the Company concerning with changes in present legislation with regard to law on joint-stock companies and securities.