Bratsk Pulp and Containerboard Mill Commodity Output over 240 Thousand Tonnes
OREANDA-NEWS. During the first four months of 2007, commodity output of Bratsk Pulp and Containerboard Mill, a subsidiary of forest industry corporation Ilim Pulp, went down 0,6% as compared to January-April 2006 to 240,498 thousand tones, reported the press-centre of Ilim Pulp. Output of market pulp totaled 164?718 thousand tonnes, 283 tonnes (just 0,2%) down from the level of 2006. Container board output amounted to 75,780 thousand tonnes, 1,94 thousand tonnes (1,4%) down year-over-year.
General pulping was at 262?450 thousand tonnes, 1,815 tonnes (0,7%) up as compared to the same period of 2006. Bleached softwood pulp output was at 89,480 thousand tonnes, 155 tonnes (0,2%) up year-over-year. Bleached hardwood pulp output went up 3,1% amounting to 79,468 thousand tonnes. Since year start, 1,153,7 thousand cu metres of raw materials were delivered to the facilities, 10,9 thousand cu metres (1%) up year-over-year. Pulpchip output was 1,003,6 thousand cu metres, 28,9 thousand cu metres (2,8%) down as compared to the first four months of 2006.