Andrew Parker Joins Command Severstal-hardware
OREANDA-NEWS. Andrew Parker, director on marketing and selling Bridon International - the world leader in manufacture of steel ropes, will join a command "Severstal-hardware". Since August, 1st it will head the European operations of the company and simultaneously becomes new executive director of its English enterprise Carrington Wire Limited. Duties will be assigned To it on development and realization of competitive marketing and marketing strategy, development and re-structuring of business "Severstal-hardware" in the Europe, and also to operative management of company Carrington Wire.
Mr. Parker possesses an extensive knowledge in the field of manufacture, international distributions and marketing, a finance administration. " We are glad, that the strong command " Severstal-hardware " has replenished with such skilled manager, as Andre w Parker. It is assured, as for Andrew the new role will promote its professional realization, - Olga Naumov, the general director of the company has noted. - we hope, that, following strategy on manufacture of products with the high added cost, we togeth er can raise efficiency of our operations in the European market ".
Andrew Parker (Andrew Parker) was born in 1962 in the Great Britain. Has ended the state polytechnical university in Sheffield (England) with a degree of the bachelor of industrial scien ces.
With 1985 worked in companies Pneumatic Components Ltd as the manager on sales, Ajax Machine Tool Co. Ltd the manager of an export direction of sales, Matrix Churchill Ltd the commercial manager. In September, 1990 has passed in company Bridon UK to a post of the head of a direction of the alloyed products, took positions of the sales manager and the head various business-directions of the company, and in April, 2004 became director on marketing and selling in Bridon International, UK. Andrew Parker is Chairman of department metiznoj production of association UK steel, and also the President of committee on communications with adjusting bodies of the European Union of the European association of manufacturers of ropes.
"Severstal-hardware" - group of the enterprises on release of metal products (hardware), with industrial platforms in Russia, Ukraine and the Great Britain. "Severstal-hardware" borrows in the lead position in the Russian branch (about 30 % of the market) and is the largest exporter of hardware from Russia in the countries of the Europe and the CIS (53% from total exports).