OREANDA-NEWS. For 2006 in the Russian Federations state inspectors of use and protection of land 164 797 inspections, on the area of 55 117, 95 thousand was held. Hectare, that is by 17,5% more than in 2005, reported the press-centre of  Rosnedvizhimost. Main task of state land control, implemented by Rosnedvizhimost and its regional bodies, is the control over compliance with land legislation, protection requirement and uses of lands by organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, their heads, officials as well as citizens. State land control in the territory of the Russian Federation  In 2006 carried out 4 368 state inspectors of uses and protections of land.

For 2006 in the Russian Federations state inspectors of use and protection of land was held 164 797 inspections, on the area of 55 117, 95 thousand. Hectare, that is by 17,5% more than in 2005. The largest quantity of land law observance inspections was held in the following subjects of the Russian Federation: Moskovskaya region - 13 376; Republic of Bashkortostan - 10 296; Kemerovskaya region - 6 855; Nizhegorodskaya region - 5 717; Republic of Tatarstan - 5 156; Sverdlovskaya region - 5 089; Krasnodar Territory - 4 915; Samarskaya region - 4 575. It should be noted that the amount taken together inspection in stated above regions amount to about 34 % of total amount of inspections in general for the Russian Federation. In the course of inspection in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2006 62 705 violations of the land law on the area of 8 616, 3 thousand was revealed. Hectare, that by 2,1% is less than in 2005.

Among all the land law violations revealed - 16 291 violation have been committed by legal persons, this is about 26% of the total quantity of the violations revealed in general for the Russian Federation; 33 667 violations have been committed citizen, what amounts to 53,7% of the total quantity of the violations revealed in general for the Russian Federation and 12 747 violations have been committed by officials, what amounts to 20,3% of the total quantity of the land law violations revealed in general for the Russian Federation.

The greatest number of land law violations were revealed in the following subjects:
Republic of Bashkortostan - 4 095, of them 81 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Republic of Tatarstan - 3 907, of them more 87 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Samarskaya region - 3 065, of them more 62 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Moskovskaya region - 2 702, of them 70 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Sverdlovskaya region - 2 153, of them 80 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Krasnodar Territory - 1 915, of them 78 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Republic of Daghestan - 1 740, of them 57 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots;
Kemerovskaya region - 1 739, of them 71 % - unauthorized occupation of land plots.
Above figure say that, the most common the violation of the land law is the unauthorized occupation of land plots or use of them without entitlements. The amount of them - 40 915, that exceeds 65 % of the violations revealed, and them   The area takes up more than 4 911, 7 thousand hectares.
Were revealed   7 538 violations of the land law, related to land plots disuse, on the area of more 2 571, 1 thousand. Hectare, what amounts to 12% of the total number of violations. Mentioned the violation of the land law is conditioned by the systematic, extremely inadequate use of agricultural lands: Land is used   Not effectively or is not used.  
Reason of similar regulation in many cases is the complicated financial and economic situation of agricultural enterprises: absence or disadvantage of free money funds for purchase of agricultural equipment, certified seeds, fertilizers, plant protection means, combustive-lubricating materials, wear of machine and tractor assembly, roads absence on remote locations etc..
According to results inspection of agricultural lands is conducted the monitoring of unused lands.
Inspection showed that rather is abundant the cases use of the land plot not in accordance with special-purpose designation - 2 836 violations on the area of 411, 7 thousand. Hectare, what amount to about 5% of the total number of violations.
Main task of state land inspector after detection of violations is the control over its elimination. For this of each infringer shall be issued the writ of elimination of offences or the warning of admitted land violations with time indication of elimination of offences (depending on type of violations ). In 2006 was passed 50 758 orders on elimination of the land law violations , that by 10, 4 % more than in 2005. Also, for 2006 was passed 1 840 notices of possible termination of rights to the land, the number of which also increased by 6% in comparison with 2005.
As a result of effectuation of the state land control in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2006 is eliminated 35 121 violations of the land law on total area 3992, 7 thousand. Hectare, what amounts to 56 % of the land law violations revealed in the territory of the Russian Federation. This on 16, 6% is less than in 2005.
The large quantity of violations of the land law is not being removed in lawn-and-garden associations, in which   Citizens does not employ its land plots, or uses their without land entitlement registered in accordance with the established procedure
The non-acceptance by the infringer of necessary measures for elimination of the land law violations shall entail bringing to administrative responsibility, as far as seizure of land plots or bringing of infringer to criminal responsibility.
In accordance with Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, liability for committing an administrative offence in land legislation is imposing of administrative penalty. The failure to pay by the infringer of administrative penalty results in imposing of new penalty in twofold amount followed by forced exaction. In case of failure to pay administrative penalty by the person, brought to administrative responsibility on term, the materials are passed over to forced exaction in service of the officers of justice.
On discovered the fact violation of the land law in 2006 were brought to administrative responsibility 41 645 infringers, what amounts to 66, 4% of the land law violations revealed in general for the Russian Federation. In 2005 In the Russian Federation were brought to administrative responsibility 32 094 infringer. Thus, number of persons, brought to administrative responsibility in 2006 Increased by 29, 8 % in comparison with 2005.
Amoint of penalty, imposed on juridical, natural persons and officials for the land law violations revealed in 2006 amounted to   127, 55 million rub.. that is by 43 % more than in 2005.

The greatest amount of the fines imposed for 2006 amounted to following regions:
Republic of Bashkortostan - 10,5 million rub.
Republic of Tatarstan - 8,9 million rub.
Krasnodar Territory - 5,6 million rub.
Kemerovskaya region - 5 million rub.
Moskovskaya region - 8, 2 million rub.
Samarskaya region - 5, 3 million rub.
Sverdlovskaya region - 6 million rub.
Moscow - 5,6 million rub.
Sankt - St. Petersburg - 5,2 million rub.

The sum of penalty collected in 2006 amounted to   98,76 million rub. that is by 50% more than in 2005.

Best-first results on recovery of a penalty in 2006 have reached the following regions:
The Republic of Bashkortostan - was charged about 7,2 million rub. what amounts to 68% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Moskovskaya region - was charged about 6,8 million rub. what amounts to 82% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Republic of Tatarstan - was charged about 6,7 million rub. what amounts to 74% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Krasnodar Territory - was charged about 5,6 million rub. what amounts to 99% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Sverdlovskaya region - was charged more 4,9 million rub. what amounts to 82% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Samarskaya region - was charged about 4,8 million rub. what amounts to 90% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Kemerovskaya region - was charged about 4,5 million rub. what amounts to 89% from sum of the penalties imposed;
Sankt - the St. Petersburg - was charged about 4,2 million rub. what amounts to 79% from sum of the penalties imposed;
The Moscow - was charged more 4,1 million rub. what amounts to 72% from sum of the penalties imposed.

The practice shows that principal causes not recovery of penal sanctions is the lack of funds and property at debtors, to which it is possible to levy execution, the expiry of the statute of limitation, the debtor death, as well as the liquidation of legal person, the recognizing them the bankrupts. Other reasons not recovery of a penalty or untimely their recovery are: appeal by the resolutions debtors on bringing to administrative responsibility and their abolishment in a judicial proceeding. In 2006, in general for the Russian Federation, has been cancelled 923 earlier made decisions concerning penalties impositions. Most often shall be repealed resolution on an administrative penalty infliction in connection with deficiency base, procedure violation of bringing to responsibility, misconstruction and substantive enforcement, as well as in view of unimportance of violations of the land law. One of the most important challenges in the work of госземиспекторов is prevention of wrong in land law of the Russian Federation. With this purpose the Special attention is given to preventive work   On prevention of wrong in land legislation, while exploiting mass media.