02.05.2007, 18:22
2007 Performance Results of OAO Novosibirskenergo for First Quarter
OREANDA-NEWS. May 2, 2007OAO Novosibirskenergo summarized its performance results for the first quarter of 2007. Power production amounted to 3,273.3 mln. kWh, thus decreasing by 20.3% as compared to the indices of the first quarter of 2006. Such decrease was attained due to optimization of power balance and purchase of economy power at the wholesale market. Weather conditions entailed reduction of heat supply by 5.2% as against the last year rates, which equaled 5,573.2 thous. Gcal versus 5,880.8 thous. Gcal in the first quarter of 2006. In the first quarter of 2007, specific reference fuel consumption for power supply amounted to 275.2 g/kWh, and for heat supply—to 134.8 kg/kWh. Implementation of a complex of measures for reduction of heat economy reserves, carrying out of investment and maintenance programs, growth of power production share in the heating cycle allowed for lowering of specific reference fuel consumption for power supply by 15.5 g/kWh, as well as of heat consumption—by 4.9 kg/kWh.