The New Ruslan AN-124-100M-150 Has Completed Tests
OREANDA-NEWS. Last week certification tests of a new version of Ruslan, the heavy transport well-known in the world, were completed. The new aircraft has got designation of AN-124-100M-150. The aim of the last stage of tests was to confirm correspondence of the aircraft integrated flight and navigation system with the requirements of a base and precise area navigation (B-RNAV and P-RNAV) when carrying out terminal procedures of departure and arrival to the European airdromes where these procedures were certified to be fulfilled by method of area navigation. Under real conditions of a congested air traffic it was necessary to confirm that integrated flight and navigation system performed all functions requested for flights under P-RNAV system as well as navigation accuracy characteristics. That is why within the period from 14 to 19 of April 2007 AN-124-100M-150 performed manoeuvring under the standard procedures of departure and arrival at the Vantaa (Helsinki, Finland) and Flesland (Bergen, Norway) airports. According to the requirements of Eurocontrol on navigation accuracy the aircraft has not to deviate from the trajectory for more than 1 nautical mile (1.85 km). The new Ruslan had demonstrated capability to keep the rout with the deviation of 0.3 nautical mile. In that way the aircraft had fully confirmed its correspondence with the accuracy requirements of Eurocontrol on RNP-1.
Besides ANTONOV ASTC’s specialists the experts of certification centers of Russia - GosNII GA and GosNII Aeronavigatsiya participated in the third stage of tests.
At present the documentation to be submitted for consideration by the Interstate Aviation Committee in order to obtain certificate for AN-124-100M-150 is being prepared. For information: AN-124-100M-150 differs from the basic model of Ruslan with payload increased to 150 t instead of 120 t, increased take-off and landing masses and the range of flight. The important feature of AN-124-100M-150 is simplified and accelerated loading/unloading operations of cargo weighting up to 150 t. In order to provide this feature, the structure of the front cargo ramp was strengthened. As a result of the aircraft mass increase, the braking system was improved and the reinforced tires were used. In accordance with the modern and perspective requirements of the Eurocontrol on P-RNAV area navigation, in particular, as for navigation accuracy, the new Ruslan was equipped with the modernized navigation complex. The new early ground proximity warning system was installed as well. Besides, the AN-124-100M-150 is piloted with the crew of 4 but not 6 members.
The AN-124-100M-150 was tested in several stages. The first stage, the preliminary one, was conducted to check operation of a new equipment and possibility to decrease the crew to 4 members. Then the longest and the most important stage of tests for the aircraft development, followed. During 2005-2006 the aircraft performed flights with different cargo onboard all over the world. Thus new aircraft’s equipment, systems as well as work of the decreased crew were checked under conditions of real operations. The last, third stage, is described above.