S&P Corporate Governance Score Assigned to OGK-5
OREANDA-NEWS. Standard & Poor’s has assigned the corporate governance score (CGS) to JSC OGK-5. The international score is CGS-5, while Russian score is CGS-5.4. The score incorporates the following components:
• Ownership structure and external influences – 4+/4.9 (maximum – 10)
• Shareholder rights and stakeholder relations – 6/6.2 (maximum – 10)
• Transparency, disclosure and audit – 5/5.2 (maximum – 10)
• Board structure and effectiveness – 5+/5.5 (maximum – 10)
CGS reflects the opinion of Standard & Poor’s about the current corporate governance practice and policy, as well as the degree, to which the practice and policy adhere to the interests of financially interested parties, first of all shareholders. Corporate governance practice and policy is measured using Standard&Poor’s rating methodology, which aggregates the provisions of international codes, best corporate governance practice and other recognized principles.
The Director General of JSC ‘OGK-5’ Anatoly Bushin gave the following comments to this event: “Today investors pay utmost attention to corporate governance practices. As the reform in the power sector is taking place, investors are getting more interested, to what extent the emerging companies are ready for ‘living by themselves’. We understand it clearly and try to use state-of-the-art global corporate governance practices in our activities, we provide maximum opportunities for protection of rights of OGK-5’s shareholders based on the principles of accountability, fairness, transparency and responsibility. There’s no denying that we are glad to have received the high score, and we hope that it is another important step on our way of successful development of the corporate governance system of OGK-5”.