Level of Payment for Current Gas Supply in the Russian Federation in 2006 to Make 98%
OREANDA-NEWS. The meeting with heads of representations of executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation took place in the central office of OJSC “Gazprom”. Participants of the meeting were sixty four heads of representations from sixty republics, regions and districts.
Special attention has been paid to observance of balance of interests of the company and subjects of the Russian Federation at construction of objects of gas supply.
As of April 1st, 2007, "Gazprom" has concluded Cooperation agreements with 77 regions of the Russian Federation. Now work on preparation of signing of Cooperation agreements with 1 subject of the Russian Federation is being conducted.
Today, OJSC “Gazprom” provides with gas consumers in 65 regions of Russia. The level of payment for current deliveries in 2006 has made 98 %. Debts of consumers of the Russian Federation towards "Gazprom" for delivered natural gas as of January 1st, 2007 made 27,7 billion roubles. Basic part of a debt falls at population and municipal enterprises.