OREANDA-NEWS. April 19, 2007. For the first three months of 2007 Kingisepp enterprise of EuroChem produced 178,800 tonnes of core products (88,4% of the level for the corresponding period last year), of which 127,000 tonnes of mineral fertilizers (vs. 147,000 tonnes year-on-year), 51,000 tonnes of defluorinated phosphate (DFP) (94% of the level of Q1 2006), reported the press-centre of EuroChem.

he focus was on ammophos (MAP) production – a high-concentrated fertilizer. In the total list of fertilizers produced, the volume of ammophos was 121,100 tonnes, up 26,500 tonnes (28%) from the first quarter 2006. By order of Lenoblagrokhimia OAO 5,000 tonnes of ammophoska universal grade was produced (a complex NPK fertilizer). The superphosphate production plan was cut for commercial reasons. 1,200 tonnes of superphosphate was produced.

The range and volume of products was determined by the market environment, in particular, high demand for ammophos. The overall reduction in the output as compared to the previous year was due to the increase in planned apatite supply volume due to its redistribution among holding enterprises caused by the delay in imported phosphates supply to Lifosa due to stormy weather in January-February 2007.

The output of sulphuric acid for own industrial needs (178,000 tonnes) was enough to meet the requirements of core product shops and was up 4.7% from the amount produced in the corresponding period last year. The enterprise produced 72,000 tonnes of wet-process phosphoric acid (100% Р2О5) for own industrial needs (96,8% from the previous year).