Leningrad NPP Fulfills Collective Agreement 2006
OREANDA-NEWS. On Apr 2007 the personnel of Leningrad NPP summed up the results of the fulfillment of their Collective Agreement 2006
In 2006 the plant spent 150.600mln RUR on the CA against 121.200mln RUR in 2005.
The key social programs of the last year were as follows:
- health insurance of employees and their families and retired employees;
- voluntary insurance against irradiation and accidents;
- additional non-government pension;
- rehabilitation of personnel and pensioners and their families;
- mortgage crediting;
- cultural and recreational projects.
Today, the average income of LNPP’s industrial personnel (salary + CA benefit) is 10% bigger than the average income in Rosenergoatom and is the second biggest among the Russian NPPs (after Kola NPP). In 2006 the average salary of the industrial personnel grew by 21,3%, of the non-industrial personnel by 13%; in Jan-Feb 2007 the indices grew by 27,7% and 28,3%, respectively.
The young specialists enjoy additional social guarantees: employment, marriage, child-care benefits and 10% of mortgage credit. In 2006 the plant employed 52 young specialists with higher education and 82 ones with high education.
The director of LNPP Valery Lebedev reported on the fulfillment of the CA and outlined the tasks for this year.
The key events of the last year are structural and personnel changes in Rosenergoatom, the LNPP-2 project, the modernization and the prolongation of the life of the 2nd unit of LNPP, the introduction of a model management system and the transition to a new corporate remuneration system. “I think we have not offended anybody,” Lebedev said.
In 2006 LNPP produced 23,177bln KWh with the plan being 21,33bln KWh, which is the third biggest index among the 10 Rosenergoatom NPPs - only Balakovo and Kursk NPPs produced more. This is especially good as in 2006 the four-unit plant had three operative units most of the time with all of the units repaired in turn.
One of the reasons of high output last year was the fact that the repair of the 2nd unit was completed 2,5 month earlier than planned. As a result, the plant earned 13,752bln RUR - 728mln RUR more than planned.
The chairman of the trade union Alexander Zaytsev was laconic: “All the points of the CA were fulfilled. We recommend the administration to further improve their work and the personnel to be more disciplined and conscientious.”
Attending the conference were the deputy director general of Rosenergoatom-the director for personnel management and social and administrative policies Jumberi Tkebuchava, the executive director of Rosenergoatom’s Corporate Mortgage Crediting Fund Marina Khorkova as well as representatives of the regional Registration Chamber and the SOGAZ-Life insurance company. They answered the questions of the conferees.
146 of 164 delegates elected by 6,196 employees of LNPP took part in the conference. Most of the delegates supported Zaytsev’s opinion but some of them appeared with criticism: they mostly criticized the trade union. The verdict of the conference was as follows: in 2006 the Collective Agreement of LNPP was fulfilled.