Rosenergoatom’s Material Supply Council Meets at Kursk NPP
OREANDA-NEWS. On Apr 11-14 Rosenergoatom’s Material Supply Council held a guest meeting at Kursk NPP
Attending the meeting were representatives of Rosenergoatom’s Purchase Planning and Tender Department, the deputy directors for material supply of Russian NPPs.
The sides discussed the problems concerning the efficiency of material supply at Russian NPPs. They noted that the efficiency of NPP operation and construction directly depends on material supply.
The head of the Purchase Planning and Tender Department of Rosergoatom Oleg Russkikh reported on the results of centralized tender activities in 2006 and outlined the tasks for 2007.
The sides considered a strategy of effective centralized tender procedure. They discussed how to effectively organize material supply and to improve the tender procedure.
One of the key topics was the control over the quality of equipment. New quality assessment rules are taking force on July 1 2007. They empower Rosenergoatom to control the production of safety equipment. Presently, the concern is drafting a concept of equipment quality control, producer selection criteria and other normative documents.
The sides also considered Rosenergoatom’s Cost Management Program 2006-2007. They pointed out the following ways of cost reduction: consolidation of orders, analysis of price database, conduct of open tenders for the supply expensive materials.
The sides were unanimous that this program is a step forward towards effective purchase and cost management policy based on fair competition and transparency of orders.