FAS Russia Considered a Case Initiated Against "Unotrans" CJSC
OREANDA-NEWS. On April 12, 2007 the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) considered a case initiated against "Unotrans" CJSC and "Moskovskaya Gorodskaya Reklama" [Moscow City Advertising] OJSC for placing the following advertisements of the "Korona" entertainment centre on some advertising structures in Moscow in February 2007: "15, Novy Arbat, tel. 202-69-90, korona - 8 years at play" (a freestanding structure at 21, Novy Arbat St.), the distributor - "Unotrans"; and "VIP-Party - 27th February at 23:00" (a banner at 45/28, 2nd Brestskaya St.), the distributor - "Moskovskaya Gorodskaya Reklama", reported the press-centre of FAS Russia. The "Korona" entertainment centre encompasses a gambling house under the name of "Korona". Therefore, the "Korona" entertainment centre is involved in organizing gambling and betting and effectively operates as a gambling establishment (casino).
Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" sets restrictions on the advertising of gabling and is also applicable to advertisements of companies - gambling establishments, including casinos or slot machine halls, which carry out gambling or betting activities, and to advertisements of the places of gambling or betting if they are gambling establishments. FAS Russia found that the advertising was improper and breached Part 2 Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Advertising"; therefore, it requested the companies to eliminate the violations. Administrative charges were brought against the distributors, "Mosgorreklama" and "Unotrans", that were fined 400 minimum monthly wages (40 000 Rubles) and 1000 minimum monthly wages (100 000 Rubles) accordingly.