ALROSA Reports Exceedance of Maximum Soviet Era Exploration Indicators
OREANDA-NEWS. On April 03, 2007 ALROSA President Sergey Vybornov and President of Sakha Vyacheslav Shtyrov inspected exploration sites of ALROSA’s Amakinskaya Geological Expedition (AGRE), reported the press-centre of ALROSA. Currently ALROSA provides all the necessary funding for its prospecting and exploration activities. The Company has exceeded the maximum volume of prospecting and exploration works performed by the USSR diamond mining industry. At present the Company’s executive management contemplates a possibility of establishment of a new geological expedition in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in line with its strategy aimed at expansion of mineral reserves.
On April 1 S. Vybornov and Vyacheslav Shtyrov inspected production sites of OJSC Almazy Anabara (township of Mayat) and the Anabar Mining Division of ALROSA (township of Ebelyakh). They discussed issues related to production, and prospects for increasing the volumes of diamond output. On April 2 the President of ALROSA and President of Sakha visited the village of Saskylakh and the township of Tiksi to inspect the social and economic situation there. On April 3 S. Vybornov attended the meeting of the Sakha President with the local administration in the township of Zhigansk.