Fitch Assigns Expected Rating of 'B-' to Probusinessbank's Upcoming Eurobond
OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings has today assigned PBB LPN Issuance Limited's upcoming notes issue an expected Recovery rating of 'RR4' and an expected Long-term rating of 'B-' (B minus).
Proceeds from the issue will be used to finance a loan to Russia's Probusinessbank ("PBB"), rated Issuer Default 'B-' with a Stable Outlook, Short-term B, Individual 'D', Support '5' and National Long-term 'BB+(rus)' with a Stable Outlook.
The final ratings of the issue are contingent upon receipt of final documentation conforming materially to information already received.
PBB is a medium-sized Russian bank, with consolidated (unaudited) assets of RUR32.9bn at end-9M06.