Standard & Poor’s has given the “EuroChem” its ratings
OREANDA-NEWS. The international rating company Standard & Poor’s has announced about the appropriation of a long-term credit rating “BB-“, according to the international scale, and the national scale rating “ruAA-”, to the Russian company – the producer of the fertilizers, JSC “Mineral and Chemical company “EuroChem” (“EuroChem”). The prognosis for the rating’s changing perspective is pretty stable.
At the same time, the long-term “BB-“ rating was assigned to the planned certificates of participation of the EuroChem Finance PLC. The rating will depend on the final documents of the transaction.
The level of the group’s ratings is limited by the cycle field risks and the volatility of the margin, typical for the chemical fertilizers production and other basic chemical productions, and also the expected deficit of the free operational money flow for the next few years, as a result of the expansion of the potash fertilizers production capacities”, - said Lucas Sevenin, the credit analyst of the Standard & Poor’s.