In 2006 Gazprom Allocated over RUR 2 Billion for Exploration Purposes in the Krasnoyarsk Region
OREANDA-NEWS. Krasnoyarsk today has hosted the 4th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum on the Industrial Basis of Russia’s Development. Taking part in the Forum is a Gazprom delegation headed by Deputy Management Committee Chairman Valery Golubev.
In 2006 the Company allocated over RUR 2 bln for exploration purposes in the region, with a two-fold increase in investments slated for 2007. OJSC “Gazprom” Deputy Management Committee Chairman Valery Golubev said this speaking today at the 4th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum on the Industrial Basis of Russia’s Development.
V. Golubev pointed out that the Eastern Program contemplated developing regional gas supply systems at an initial stage already. The Sobinsko-Paiginskoye and Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye deposits are identified in the Program as eastern Russia’s basic fields to be linked in future with a regional gas consumption centre through a gas pipeline system to be part of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia (UGSS).