OJSC “Avangard-Leasing” Attracted Western Financing at the Rate of Approximately EUR 100 Million
OREANDA-NEWS. OJSC “Avangard-Leasing”, being a part of the Holding of Bank “AVANGARD”, has attracted the western financing for the sum of approximately EUR 100 million (150 million Swiss francs) for the period of 5 years.
The first tranche for the sum of 50 million euro is already received. The rate on the first tranche has made SWISS FRANC LIBOR Rate +3.125.
CREDIT SUISSE, BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK and NORDKAP BANK AG took part in the syndication of the first tranche. Other banks also will probably participate in the next tranche.
According to the signed contract, reception of the second tranche at the rate of 50 million euro is planned in the first quarter of 2007. The rate on the second tranche will be reduced to SWISS FRANC LIBOR Rate +3.00. Means will be directed on financing of new leasing projects of the company.