Public Auctions to Sell 93.35% Shares in Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya TPP to Be Held on March 29, 2007
OREANDA-NEWS. Public auctions for the right to make contracts to purchase 93.35 % stakes in OAO "Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya TPP", held by RAO "UES of Russia", OAO "Kuzbassenergo", and OAO "SIBENCO" will be held on 29th of March 2007.
Indications of interest in taking part in the auctions for the right to purchase shares in OAO "Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya TPP" will be accepted from 9 January through 19 March 2007. Bids for the auctions will be accepted 1 March through 23 March 2007.
The public auctions will be arranged by an Accredited Agent, ZAO "United Financial Group", in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation and the resolution of the Board of Directors of RAO "UES of Russia" of 23 December 2005.
The start prices of the auction for the right to make agreements to purchase shares in OAO "Zapadno-Sibirskaya CHPP" and OAO "Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya TPP" have been set at RUB4 billion, with a price increment of RUB50 million.
The auction winners would be the bidders that submit the highest bid.