Gazprom to Create Working Groups on Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas in Egypt
OREANDA-NEWS. Gazprom Headquarters has hosted a working meeting of Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Hany Soliman Ali, First Undersecretary of the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum, Sherif Soussa, Chief Executive Officer of Rashid Petroleum Company and Ibrahim Ahmed, Vice Chairman for Planning & Projects of EGAS (Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company).
The parties addressed the major directions of the cooperation between Gazprom and Egyptian companies in the oil & gas sector as well as agreed on concrete steps to intensify the work in the promising areas.
A focus was placed on deeper cooperation in the Egyptian upstream sector, LNG production and supply, Egyptian gas export to the Middle East countries and sci-tech area.
The parties also agreed to create Working Groups for oil and gas, LNG inclusive, exploration & production, transportation & marketing. Additionally, the parties discussed the issue surrounding oil and gas equipment purchases from Russia.