Profit of OJSC “Aeroflot” Made 4,5 Billion Roubles for Nine Months
OREANDA-NEWS. At the scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of OAO "Aeroflot" the balance of the air company work within 9 months of the current year was discussed on November 29 of this year.
Within this period 5 million 529 thousand (339 thousand more than within 9 months of the previous year) and 104,5 thousand tons of post and cargo were flown, as well as 16 billion 907 million passenger-kilometer and 2 billion 159 million tonne-kilometer.
The increase of the volume of traffic was achieved due to the development of the routes network and increase of flights frequency in domestic and international air lines, as well as more effective commercial activity. Occupation of passenger chairs has increased by 1.8% and comprised 71.4% within this period.
The proceeds of OAO "Aeroflot" from sale of air conveyance and fulfilled services within 9 months of the year 2006 have comprised 50 805,0 million roubles, which is by 16.5% more than the similar period of the year 2005. As a result of production-financial activity within 9 months of the year 2006, after the tax payment and other due payments, the income in the amount of 4 497.7 million rubles, which is by 2 139.7 million roubles more comparing to the previous year.