Glavgosexpertisza Approved Feasibility Study of “Ust-Kut - Talakanskoe Oilfield” Section of ESPO Pipeline
OREANDA-NEWS. Glavgosexpertiza (public examination body) approved Feasibility study of the first section of ESPO pipeline system – “Ust-Kut - Talakanskoe oilfield”. Shortly, competitive bidding for execution of construction-and-assembling operations will take place.
It is expected the winners of bids to proceed to construction of the first section of oil pipeline in January 2007.
Section’s length totals nearly 540 km and passes through the territory of Irkutsk region and Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya). Two oil pump stations are expected to build in addition to linear part.
The general designer of the project and builder are “VNIIST” JSC and “PMC “ESPO” respectively.