Profit of “Uralvneshtorgbank” Made 919.7 Million Roubles for Ten Months
OREANDA-NEWS. For November 1, 2006, the currency of balance of OJSC “Uralvneshtorgbank” has reached 28,28 billion roubles, or 95 % more than for November 1, 2005. The profit on results of work for 10 months of 2006 has made 919,7 million roubles.
In connection with reception of the subordinated credit from the European Reconstruction and Development Bank, and also owing to current capitalization, the own means of the bank (capital) for November 1 have made 2546 million roubles, or 109 % more than for analogous period of the last year.
The net loan debts have increased by 87 % in comparison with parameter for November 1, 2005 and have made 15,122 billion roubles. Means of clients have increased by 98 % against the analogous period of the last year and made 16,1 billion roubles, including deposits of private individuals - 8,347 billion roubles (70 %).