Fitch Rates Eurasian Development Bank 'BBB '
OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings has today assigned the Eurasian Development Bank ("EDB") ratings of Issuer Default 'BBB+' and Short-term 'F2'. The Outlook is Stable.
The ratings are based on the support from its two founding member countries, the Russian Federation ('BBB+') and the Republic of Kazakhstan ('BBB').
The ratings also take into account the conservative risk management guidelines set by EDB's management and the high capitalisation relative to the targeted size and risk of its loan portfolio.
EDB's intrinsic credit quality will be eventually factored into the rating.
EDB's mission is to finance large infrastructure projects in the Eurasian Economic Community ("EEC"), which includes Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.