Fitch Puts NWT on Rating Watch Evolving on Acquisition of PTT
OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings has today put Russia-based OAO North-West Telecoms' ("NWT") Issuer Default rating ("IDR") of 'B+' and National Long-term rating of 'A(rus)' on Rating Watch Evolving ("RWE").
This follows its announcement to acquire 100% of Petersburg Transit Telecom ("PTT"), an alternative backbone operator in the city of Saint Petersburg.
NWT announced that its board agreed to proceed with an acquisition of 100% of PTT from Telecominvest for an undisclosed price. The RWE will be resolved once details, such as the transaction's price, are revealed. The deal is expected to be closed in 2007, and will have to be approved by the regulator, and AGMs of NWT and Telecominvest.