Net Profit of Dalsvyaz Increased by 45.3% for Nine Months
OREANDA-NEWS. Proceeds of Dalsvyaz on results of nine months of 2006 under the Russian Accounting Standards made 7 480.2 million roubles, or 0.3% more than the same parameters for 2005 (7.454.4 million roubles). The profit on sales increased by 48.9% and made 2 024.7 million roubles (1 360.1 million roubles).
The net profit increased by 45.3% and made 1 041.9 million roubles (717.2 million roubles). The net profit without profit on sales of financial investments has increased by 89.1% as compared with the same period of 2005 and has made 1 041.8 million roubles (551.0 million roubles).
OIBDA increased by 37.9% up to 2 868.5 million roubles (2 079.8 million roubles). EBITDA increased by 30.3% up to 2 504.0 million roubles (1 921.8 million roubles).