The market of new motorcycles in the first quarter fell by half
OREANDA-NEWS. According to the analytic agency "AUTOSTAT", in the first quarter of 2016 the volume of Russian market of new motorcycles was 1,054 units, which is almost two times (-49.4%) less than in the same period of the last year (2083 units).
The most popular brand in this period is BMW with the amount of 188 motorcycles (-29.6%). The second line is belonged to Harley Davidson, the sales of which increased by 72% and they were 105 units. In third place – there is Yamaha (96 units; -53.4%) and in the fourth place of rating - Racer (94 units; 53.9%). The top-five of leaders is closed by the Russian producer Stels (86 units; -47.6%).
We also note that the most popular model among the new motorcycles in the first quarter of 2016 was Yamaha YBR 125, the market volume of which was 73 units (-33%).