TATNEFT is Taking Part in the Environmental Campaign

OREANDA-NEWS. TATNEFT Company is again participating in the All-Russian environmental campaign "Green Spring", which started on April 16, 2016.
This all-Russian ecological project has become a traditional and significant event contributing to the development and dissemination of environmental culture in Russia. The campaign is organized on the initiative of the non-governmental Environmental Fund named after V.I. Vernadsky together with the inter-regional environmental organization "Greenlife", Regional Public Ecological Organization "Ecoexpert" and other public organizations. More than 3 million people in 80 regions of the Russian Federation have taken part in the All-Russian Ecological clean-up "Green Spring" event since 2014.
This year within a month long ecological marathon the employees of TATNEFT Group of Companies will take part in the activities for cleaning specially protected natural areas, city streets, parks, forests, areas of educational institutions, children’s playgrounds and sports fields, places of mass rest of the townspeople and the shores of the ponds as well as planting of flowers and trees, wastepaper collection and separate collection of recyclable waste materials.
The event is designed to consolidate the efforts of the citizens and organizations of all the constituents of the Russian Federation to clean the home grounds from daily trash, improve the ecological situation in the cities and towns, raise the level of the environmental awareness among the citizens and give the basics of environmental education to the younger generation.