Rusatom Overseas and PLN Held Workshop on Russian Nuclear Power Plant Technologies
The event was attended by representatives of the Indonesian National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), National Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), and the ministries of Indonesia involved in the study of the first commercial nuclear power plant opportunity in the country.
The workshop covered the key topics in the area of nuclear energy industry development. Strategic plans of Indonesia in nuclear industry development were presented by Prof. Dr. Djarot S. Wisnubroto, Chairman of BATAN. Representatives of various ROSATOM subsidiaries shared with the Indonesian audience insights of the Russian experience in NPP design, its construction and operation, as well as in nuclear fuel cycle solutions. Emphasising that ROSATOM’s integrated offer in nuclear energy goes beyond the power plant construction, the Russian speakers presented the corporation’s approaches towards the support of newcomer countries in the national nuclear power program development.
The representative of the Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) shared Russian experience in nuclear power plant safety management highlighting the regulatory framework that facilitates trouble free operation of the Russian nuclear power plants worldwide, including the resistance to Fukushima-like accidents. He also outlined the support Rostechnadzor provides to the national regulatory agencies of the countries where ROSATOM develops nuclear new build projects, such as Vietnam and Bangladesh.
“All the presentations we are sharing today with our Indonesian partners have strong Indonesian focus. We believe that nuclear power completely fits the country’s current economic agenda, and we are ready to support all the Indonesian endeavours in the atomic energy sphere”, Evgeny Pakermanov, President of Rusatom Overseas, JSC, said.
“PLN team is very pleased to learn about the vast ROSATOM experience in nuclear power industry”, Amin Subekti, Director of Business Regional Eastern Java and Bali PLN, noted. According to him, nuclear power is an economically and environmentally viable solution for Indonesia, so it should be taken into consideration. If the country decides to go nuclear, firstly the national commitment and top leader decision, as well as a strong partner will be needed. “With its commitment to safety and technological leadership, ROSATOM would be one of the right partners to work with”, Amin Subekti emphasized.