Investment Performance vs MSCI's IPD CEE Benchmark
Its investment performance also ranked No.1 against MSCI's IPD CEE Benchmark for the annualised periods from 2005 to the end of each of the years between 31 December 2008 and 31 December 2015.
At 31 December 2015 MSCI's IPD CEE Benchmark comprised a total value of €8.12 billion in 372 property assets invested by nineteen fund managers across Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.
Commenting on this result, Ben Habib, Chief Executive, said:
"I am delighted that our investment performance has once again ranked top amongst our peer group. Our consistently strong returns are a testament both to our detailed local knowledge and our disciplined policy of investing in higher yielding assets offering sustainable income streams. Our strategy has remained consistent and we look forward to continuing to provide value for our shareholders and clients."
First Property Group plc is a property fund manager and investor with operations in the United Kingdom and Central Europe. Its earnings are derived from:
· Fund management - via its FCA regulated and AIFMD approved subsidiary, First Property Asset Management Ltd (FPAM), which earns fees from investing for third parties in property:
o Management fees are levied by reference to the value of properties under management;
o Performance fees are levied where appropriate, usually payable upon realisation of profits above an agreed hurdle.
· Group Properties - principal investments by the Group, to earn a return on its own capital, usually in partnership with third parties.
FPAM funds rank No.1 versus MSCI's Investment Property Databank (IPD) Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) Benchmark for the ten years from the commencement of its operations in Poland in 2005 to 31 December 2015, and for the annualised periods from 2005 to the end of each of the years between 31 December 2008 and 31 December 2015.