OREANDA-NEWS. Qatar Islamic Insurance Company announced the results of its extraordinary general assembly meeting dated April 20, 2016, The following are the resolutions that unanimously passed:

1. Discussion of the amendment to the Statute of the company according to regulatory requirements in accordance with the Commercial Companies Law No. 11 for the year 2015, and authorize the Board to complete all the necessary procedures for it and authorize the Chairman / Vice Chairman to sign the amended Statute of the company, Extraordinary GAM approved it .

2 Discussion the proposed of the Board of Directors to amend the Article (17) The Company shall be managed by a board consisting of 7 members " instead of 11 members " elected by the Ordinary General Assembly by secret ballot, (that is to be applied in the coming Assembly elections in 2017), Extraordinary GAM approved it.

3 Discussion the proposed of the board of directors create the post of General Coordinator to be from board of directors members and added to the organizational structure of the company and will proceed on a daily basis, and will be allocated a monthly salary determined by the Board of Directors for these executive functions and responsibilities, Extraordinary GAM approved it .