Salesforce Names 5 Tips and Tricks for Amazing Customer Service
OREANDA-NEWS. April 19, 2016. In the Age of the Customer, expectations for service have never been higher. Your customers carry more devices, and are more connected, informed and empowered than ever before. Today’s ultra-smart customer demands connected, seamless, omnichannel experiences — and they won’t settle for anything less.
Keeping up with your customers’ rising expectations can seem like a daunting task — especially considering that more often than not, the future of business success depends on whether you can deliver on those expectations. To learn more about what other businesses are doing to deliver next-generation service experiences, we sourced tips and tricks from expert service members of our Success Community and gathered 25 of the best. We’ve included 5 of them below; if you want all 25, download the free Salesforce e-book!
1. “Own the issue. If you didn’t ship something on time, admit it. If the wrong size was sent, apologize. Don’t make it the customer’s problem.” -Nick Zinser
2. “Measure what matters most. Does the number of case closures really identify excellence? Does it matter how long it is open for? Identify how you want to determine success, from your customer’s perspective, then design your metrics.” -Brian Kwong
3. If you don’t have a knowledge base (even an internal one), push for it. Having a place where you can reference common issues will make life much easier for everyone.” -Patrick Connelly
4. “You can’t just set up ‘self-service’ and expect it to be used. It will only be used if people find it beneficial, with quality content within it.” -Francis Pindar
5. Remember that — to the general public and to your customers — your company is one entity. If you try and subdivide self-service experiences by division or department, you’re putting your governance structure ahead of customer interaction.” -Nick Zinser
Your customers expect a service experience that is smart, personalized, and requires minimal effort on their part. Want more tips for how to deliver such an experience? Download the free e-book for 25 tips and tricks.