OREANDA-NEWS. The General Assembly Ordinary and Extra-ordinary meeting of Aamal were convened onSunday, April 17, 2016 at 4 pm, in the Celebration Hall at Shangri-La DohaHotel, to discuss the agenda points of the General Assembly Ordinary andExtra-ordinary meetings at which the following matters were resolved:

Resolutions issued at the Ordinary General AssemblyMeeting:

  1. Hearing Board ofDirectors report on the Company’s activities, financial position for thefinancial year ended December 31, 2015, and its business plan for 2016.
  • Board of Directors report presentedand approved 
  1. Hearing anddiscussing the External Auditor’s report on the Company’s Financial Statementsfor the year ended December 31, 2015.
  • External Auditors report presentedand approved 
  1. Discussing andapproving the Company’s Financial Statements, profits and loss for thefinancial year ended December 31, 2015.
  • Financial Statement presented andapproved 
  1. Discussing theproposal of the Board of Directors to carry forward the profits generated inthe year 2015 to the year 2016. 
  • Board of Directors proposal presentedand approved 
  1. Absolving Members ofthe Board of Directors from their directorship responsibilities for thefinancial year ended December 31, 2015.
  • The Assembly absolved members of theBoard of Directors from their directorship responsibilities for the financialyear ended December 31, 2015. 
  1. Discussing theCompany’s Corporate Governance Report.
  • Corporate Governance Report presentedand approved 
  1. Appointing theExternal Auditors for the Financial Year 2016, and determine its fees.
  • M/s KPMG was appointed as theCompany’s external auditors for the financial year 2016 in return forprofessional fees of QAR 450,000 (four hundred and fifty thousand) QatariRiyals 
  1. Electing members ofthe Board of Directors for a term of three (3) years starting from April 18,2016 and ending on April 17, 2019.
  • TheBoard of Director members were appointed by default. Only six (6) applicationswere submitted for candidacy for the Board of Directors membership and as theBoard consists of only six (6) members, the six applicants were appointed bydefault to the Board of Directors.

Resolutions issued at the Extra-Ordinary GeneralAssembly Meeting:

  1. Discuss the proposalof the Board of Directors- presented at the Board of Directors Meeting onFebruary 15, 2016 to amend the Articles of Association of the Company in orderto comply with the Companies’ Law No. 11 of the year 2015.
  • Theproposal of the Board of Directors to amend the Articles of Association of theCompany in order to comply with the Companies’ Law No. 11 of the year 2015, waspresented and approved at the Extra-ordinary general assembly meeting.
  1. In the case that theaforementioned proposal is approved at the Extra-Ordinary General AssemblyMeeting, the Assembly will delegate the Chairman or whoever he delegates tocomplete the procedures required for printing , authenticating and publishingthe amended Articles of Association, after acquiring the required approval(s)of the Companies Inspection Department at the Ministry of Economy andCommerce.     
Extra-Ordinary General Assembly approved theabove proposal and delegated the Chairman or whoever he delegates to completethe procedures required for printing, authenticating and publishing the amendedArticles of Association, after acquiring the required approval(s) of theCompanies Inspection Department at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.