Nakhodka Discussed Industrial Safety
OREANDA-NEWS. April 29, 2011. A round table meeting dedicated to the World Industrial Safety Day took place at the City Hall in Nakhodka. It was held under the chairmanship of the first deputy Head of Nakhodka city district Boris GLADKIH.
A theme of the meeting was "System of labour protection control: a way to continuous improvement". According to Boris GLADKIH, work in the sphere of labour protection is being really improved at local enterprises. The number of accidents at work has decreased by 26% during the first three months of this year. But there are still many things that require priority attention, the first deputy Head of the city noted.
There are no trifles in the matters of industrial safety. That was confirmed by the information announced by chief of the city administration’s Labour Protection Division Gennady ZAKHAROV. Among those who spoke at the meeting were chief state inspector of labour safety in Nakhodka Viktor ALYOSHIN and chief of territorial Division for Technological and Ecological Control of Primorsky Krai’s Department of Rostekhnadzor (the Russian body that regulates industrial safety) Sergey GERASIMOV.
At the end of the meeting, heads of enterprises where the law about industrial safety is strictly observed were awarded letters of commendation from local authorities.