Turkmenistan and EU Expands Fruitful Educational Contacts
OREANDA-NEWS. July 14, 2009. A group of the experts of the European Training Foundation (ETF) is on a working visit to Ashgabat. This agency of the European Union helps the EU partner states to improve vocational training systems and offers know-how and experience in training people for new jobs and in developing lifelong learning programmes.
During the visit the guests held a series of the meetings at the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Economy and Development, the Training and Methodological Centre of the State Committee for Tourism and Sports, the Agroindustrial Centre of the Turkmen Agricultural University, the Union of Manufactures and Entrepreneurs and the Ashgabat Khyakimlik. The sides exchanged views on the prospects for fruitful cooperation in the context of the priorities of Turkmenistan’s national policy that prioritized training highly qualified specialists for different sectors of Turkmen economy.
On July 14-15 the ETF experts will take part in the seminar on vocational training issues that will bring together the participants representing the leading ministries and private sector of the national economy.