OREANDA-NEWS  Scientists at South Ural State Medical University (YUGMU) have found a new way to predict the development of thyroid cancer. This is reported by URA.RU .

Oncologist, associate professor of the Department of General Surgery at the university Sergey Lukyanov said that the new technique is applied using neural networks. So, during the study it turned out that artificial intelligence (AI) formed forecasts for 100 patients, but their accuracy was only 50 percent. This result is due to the fact that some of these patients managed to undergo surgery on time.

"Genetic research is often the solution to the problem. However, in this case, hundreds or even thousands of influencing factors must be taken into account. A person is not able to do this, but a neural network can learn," Lukyanov explained and clarified that the system for forecasting was developed by Russian programmers of YUGMU and Novosibirsk State University.

At the moment, according to the doctor, the technique is not yet ready for implementation into medical practice, as it requires additional checks and is at the approval stage.

Earlier it was reported that scientists from Tomsk have identified a predisposition gene for lung cancer metastases.