Science and engineering
29.08.2019, 21:30
Astronomers have summed up the naming contest for the five small satellites of Jupiter discovered in recent years.
29.08.2019, 20:48
In Australia, scientists have created a spray vaccine that can protect a person from tuberculosis for life. The drug is suitable for both adults and children.
29.08.2019, 20:30
U.S. engineers have developed a magnetic field-controlled endoscope for examining and conducting operations in blood vessels.
29.08.2019, 18:54
Paleontologists described the found skull of Anamic Australopithecus, the oldest species of these hominids.
29.08.2019, 18:34
A recent study by an international group of scientists at the Federal Institute for risk assessment Germany (BfR) has found probable cause of an Allergy to tattoos.
29.08.2019, 18:27
In the result of climate change in the past 12 years, river floods in North-Western Europe intensified and became more frequent, and in southern and Eastern Europe, by contrast, are less likely.