Science and engineering
02.07.2019, 21:27
Rosstat has launched an updated version of the portal with a “friendly interface” that will facilitate the search for statistics, said Pavel Malkov, head of the Federal State Statistics Service.
02.07.2019, 19:35
Managed by a "swarm" of satellites will line up in the night sky in the form of a brand logo
02.07.2019, 19:08
According to Deputy Vladimir Petrov, the measure will help reduce the number of cases of domestic violence.
02.07.2019, 17:03
Scientists of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) of the Siberian office of RAS by means of VEPP-2000 collider for the first time measured the birth of seven elementary particles - peonies.
02.07.2019, 16:54
Samsung has again become the leader on the Russian market. In the II quarter of 2019, according to specialized electronic stores, Samsung smartphones beat out for first place in sales in monetary and quantitative terms.