Research and development
01.08.2017, 12:19
As the number of white residents in a neighborhood declines, noise levels go up. And segregated cities are louder than others, report researchers.
01.08.2017, 08:13
HP Inc. and NVIDIA® teamed up with Autodesk, Fusion, Launch Forth, Technicolor, Unreal Engine and VIVE to launch HP Mars Home Planet – a global project using virtual reality to simulate what a human population of one million could look like on Mars.
31.07.2017, 17:33
Research conducted over more than a decade indicates that loneliness increases self-centeredness and, to a lesser extent, self-centeredness also increases loneliness.
31.07.2017, 17:30
An international team led by the University of Chicago’s Institute for Molecular Engineering has discovered how to manipulate a weird quantum interface between light and matter in silicon carbide along wavelengths used in telecommunications.
31.07.2017, 17:28
Consumers may tune in to prices when they need to — but recall data poorly, study finds.
31.07.2017, 17:00
A new design could let robots collapse themselves for transport or stretch around obstacles.
31.07.2017, 16:05
~ Company now owns full global rights to late-stage program with clinical proof-of-concept ~
31.07.2017, 15:11
Study ties specific interval during an extended period of volcanism to Earth’s most severe mass extinction.
28.07.2017, 17:27
Scientists can now explore in a laboratory dish how the human brain develops by creating organoids — distinct, three-dimensional regions of the brain.
28.07.2017, 12:15
Just one gram of a new reusable filter could treat 83,000 liters of contaminated water—enough to supply the daily needs of 11,000 people.
28.07.2017, 12:13
New approach yields long-lasting configurations that could provide long-sought “qubit” material.
28.07.2017, 12:08
Up to half of the matter in the Milky Way may come from far-off galaxies—including the atoms that make up each of us.
28.07.2017, 11:52
A catalog of about 200 galaxy clusters may be contain the most distant ever found—it could also help solve some of the universe's biggest mysteries.
26.07.2017, 17:21
"The data suggest that there is very likely a relationship between exposure to football and risk of developing" chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
26.07.2017, 17:14
Flying into buildings and other human-made objects kills billions of birds yearly. New research suggests the size—and location—of buildings are key factors.